Glass Box Gallery

Glass Box Gallery Manager

Autumn Nicole

Glass Box Gallery is the Art Department’s student-run exhibition space in Building 534 (Space 1328) that features current creative endeavors by students and faculty at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The gallery is available for one-week exhibitions throughout the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters. We recommend that receptions be held on Thursday evenings, in order to accommodate attendees of the 1C Art Symposium Lecture during Fall and Spring quarters. Glass Box Gallery provides students with an opportunity to showcase their talents, engage in a curatorial opportunities and gain professional experience.


Calls for Glass Box Gallery weekly reservations are distributed quarterly via email. Spaces are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis for the following groups: Arts Faculty, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Honors students, College of Creative Studies Students, and all Art Majors properly enrolled and registered at UCSB for the quarter requested.